Seek AI Feedback through ChatGPT

AI feedback is configured by following the keys in the socassess.toml:

ai = true

openai_key = "<key>, if empty, use OPENAI_KEY environment variable"
model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
temperature = 1
max_tokens = 2048
top_p = 1
frequency_penalty = 0
presence_penalty = 0
system_prompt = """\
You are an expert in assessing students' answers. Your message will be sent \
directly to students. When the instructor provides you with a student's answer, \
you will give a short feedback message to correct the student's misunderstanding, \
but without leaking any information about the canonical or correct answer directly. \
       """  # per TOML spec, in "" string, "\" will be used to trim whitespaces and newlines
template = '''
AI generated feedback:
{feedback}'''  # supports one key: `feedback`; AI response will replace {feedback}
textwrap_width = 80

Most of these are passed to the OpenAI Python client (openai-python) transparently, thereby you can refer to OpenAI’s API here for an explanation of them. The two exceptions are the template and textwrap_width keys, which specify how socassess displays the AI feedback and with what maximum column width (unlimited if textwrap_width does not exist).

Given the above configuration, a sample feedback might be:

AI generated feedback:
Great start! Make sure to review the question prompt carefully and ensure that
your answer file aligns with all the requirements. Keep up the good work!

Question Context

Currently, this is only used for AI feedback; however, I would like to extend the email feature to use it as well in the future.

By default, socassess sends nothing to ChatGPT seeking feedback, therefore, it is likely that ChatGPT will make a reply such as: Please provide me with the student’s answer that you would like me to assess.

That said, in order to receive valid AI feedback, you have to provide some context, such as the student answer for the question. In the following example, I provided the student answer for the non_auto question.

# maps/

from socassess import userargs

from . import mapping

__all__ = [
    # required

    # needed only if AI feature is enabled, see below

# ========
# Required
# ========

selected = {
    "single": mapping.single,
    "combined": mapping.combined,
    "level": mapping.level,
    "regex": mapping.regex,
    "non_auto": mapping.non_auto,

# =================================
# Needed when AI feature is enabled
# =================================

context = {
    "stu_answers": {
        "non_auto": (userargs.artifacts / 'student_solution.txt').read_text()

Given that, the user prompt will be a JSON (but dumped as a string):

    "stu_answers": "Great! I put something into my answer file.\n"

Of course, more context besides the student answer can be provided:

context = {
    "selected_questions": {
        "non_auto": "this is a question where it needs human inspection",
    "canonicals": {
        "non_auto": "there is no canonical answer",
    "stu_answers": {
        "non_auto": (userargs.artifacts / 'student_solution.txt').read_text()

Then the user prompt will be:

    "selected_questions": "this is a question where it needs human inspection",
    "canonicals": "there is no canonical answer",
    "stu_answers": "Great! I put something into my answer file.\n"

The AI feedback will be something like:

## non_auto

AI generated feedback:
It's great that you have started working on your answer! Just make sure to
thoroughly review the question and provide a detailed response. Keep up the good